Monday, February 24, 2014
Reasons to write
You want to write the Great American Novel? Good for you, because I don't. I just want to tell my stories. It's nice to get them published, but, truth be told, I'd write even if they didn't. And if you're a writer, you know what I'm talking about. It's what you have to do.
Something happens when you get published, though. You start to compare yourself with other authors. You worry that others sell more than you, are more popular than you. Goodness knows I have. You look at Facebook posts and you think "Why don't I have a fan base like that?" And then you sit yourself down and take stock.
Reasons you don't write:
To be the next J.K. Rowling. If you're hoping for this, good luck to you.
For money. Which, if you do become the next J.K., you'll get. Otherwise, you'll be like the rest of us, and get a little. Which is nice. I like that little. It could always be more, but I'm happy with anything.
To win everyone's love. Forget it. It's the Internet age. There are haters out there, and you're going to hear from them if you put yourself out there.
The real reason to write (and don't forget it): the people, whether it's 6 or 600 or 6000, who read your stuff and like it. They're the reason to write. Yeah, not everyone's going to love your stuff, but those that do...cherish them. Write for them. They're your audience. They're your reason for being.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Vote Robbie!
I was very pleased to see that Robbie from The Scarlet Tide has been nominated as Best Secondary character in a reader's poll. Normally, I'd just say "How nice" and let it go at that. I don't feel comfortable asking people to vote for me or a character I've created, so I tend to just let these things go.
This time, though, I'd like to see Robbie at least advance to the next level. If any of you have read the Duncan Andrews series, you know that Robbie's gone through a hell of a lot, and I'd like to see him get some recognition. I get a lot of people (well, a few...let me dream!) telling me they love Robbie. I do, too. He's a sweetie.
So, if you feel inclined, go to the SidLove site and vote Robbie as best secondary character. He'll be glad you did.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Reviews, rambling, and characters that won't go away
I chanced upon a very nice review for The Scarlet Tide last night, from Nina at Gay List Book Reviews. I was kind of busy at the time, but everything had to stop while I read it. And read it again. Authors are strange creatures, and every now and then we need to have our egos stroked. Like anyone, we need encouragement. Yes, we get the negative comments as well and learn to live with them (in a fashion) but we're human. And when you read something nice about one of your works, it does give you a lift.
Sometimes, though, you have to say "Really?" Recently a young woman said that Pale As a Ghost was her favorite book. My first reaction was "How nice!" My second was a "Really?" I mean, really? Favorite? Of all time? What the hell else has she read, if anything? Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered. But favorite of all time? Surely an exaggeration. Hell, I wrote it and it's not my favorite of all time!
But it's lovely that those characters seem to have some fans. I've sent the 4th book in the Duncan Andrews series to the publisher, and it was to have been the last of Duncan and crew. If it gets published and you read it, you'll see why. It wraps everything up nice and neat. So what else would there be in Duncan's tale?
But sometimes the people you create have other ideas. A scene came into my tiny little mind last night and I thought, "Wow. That's got to go into a book."
Just when I think I'm done with Duncan, Robbie, and crew, they creep back into my consciousness....
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