I'm nearing the end of my WIP. Well, when I say that, I'm 3/4 of the way through the first draft, but whenever I get to that point, my mind starts to think 20 steps ahead and is plotting out the next three stories. And one of them is really, really wanting to be told.
But...and there are several buts (no pun intended). First up after this one is the next book in the Duncan Andrews series. And then...maybe.
You see, the trouble is, this story isn't my usual thing. It's not humor, for one thing. It's pretty much a horror novel, with some romance thrown in. My question is, will it work? Will anyone care?
But of course, it may not even matter. By the time I get the next Duncan Andrews done, something else might push it's way to the front. But I don't know...it's REALLY wanting to be told...
Well I'm sure I'm not the only one interested lol. The waiting to find out is going to suck though lol. Good Luck.